Antonio Alaminos - Castor Precavido 06/02/2008 18:57:16
World Scout Bureau, Central Office
Bureau Mondial du Scoutisme, Siège
Rue du Pré-Jérôme 5
P.O. Box 91
1211 Geneva 4 Plainpalais
Phone (+41 22) 705 10 10
Fax (+41 22) 705 10 20
January 2008
Circular N° 1/2008
To: International Commissioners
Governance Review Task Force - Report to World Scout Committee
Dear colleagues,
As you know, the World Scout Committee (WSC) established a Governance Review Task Force
(GRTF) to review the governance of WOSM. The group, chaired by David Bull, has worked diligently
to accomplish the challenging task assigned to it, and has now completed its report to the WSC.
The report will be considered by the WSC at its next meeting, which will take place at the end of
February 2008. The WSC will need to decide, at that meeting, how to deal with the
recommendations that are included in the report. Some of these contain proposals for amendments
to the Constitution of WOSM, which would need to be brought to a meeting of the World Scout
Conference for consideration.
The Steering Committee of the WSC, which prepares WSC meetings, has agreed that the report
should now be circulated to all National Scout Organizations (NSOs), to enable NSOs to comment
on it so that the WSC can have the benefit of this feedback prior to its meeting. The recentlyannounced
gathering of NSOs at Jambville, near Paris, in mid-February will be one occasion when
such feedback can be provided. But not all NSOs are able to attend that gathering, and so a copy
of the report is being sent to you now with an invitation to send your comments in writing to the
World Scout Bureau.
If possible, your comments should be received before the mid-February meeting in Jambville. If
this is not possible, however, please do try to submit these in time for the WSC to consider them at
its meeting at the end of February. While no standard "format" for feedback is being provided, it
would be helpful if you would keep your comments as brief as possible and organise them under
main sections of the report as follows:
• Legitimacy (including Recommendation 1)
• Unity of the Movement (including Recommendation 2)
• Accountability and Transparency (including Recommendations 3-5)
• Integrity and Democracy (including Recommendations 6-9)
• Conclusion (including Recommendation 10)
Thank you for your co-operation.
Yours sincerely,
Luc Panissod
Acting Secretary General